Owner Relations

Contact Information
Mailing Address
Laramie Energy, LLC
Attn: Division Orders
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3950
Denver, CO 80203
Owner Relations
303-339-4400, Option 2
If your payment is setup with ACH, EnergyLink will exclusively host your check statements and details.
For additional support, please contact Owner Relations.
Change of Address
For your protection, Laramie Energy does not accept address changes via telephone. Please download, fill out, and return a Change of Address form. Please ensure to include your name, owner number, last 4 digits of your social security number or tax identification number for verification, the new address, daytime phone number with area code, and the signature(s) from the owner.
You can scan and send the completed form as a PDF via email to OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com, or can mail your change of address to:
Laramie Energy, LLC
Attn: Division Orders
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3950
Denver, CO 80203
Ownership Changes
How do I change my name if I get married or divorced?
Please provide a written request and a scanned copy of the document(s) supporting the name change (marriage certificate, divorce decree reinstating birth name, etc.) to OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com.
You can also mail your documents to:
Laramie Energy, LLC
Attn: Division Orders
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3950
Denver, CO 80203
Owner has Passed Away
If the estate/will was Probated in Colorado, Laramie Energy will need copies of the Final Decree of Distribution, Determination of Heirship, Certificate of Transfer, or any other applicable documentation. Alternatively, provide copies of the Last Will and Testament, Death Certificate (copy will be sufficient), Letters Testamentary, Order Admitting will to Probate / Final Probate Order, Recorded Deed to beneficiaries or trust (if applicable).
If the Will was NOT probated in Colorado, please provide copies of the Ancillary Probate Proceedings as recorded in the County/State where the property is located.
Please provide the Names, Addresses, Social Security / Federal Tax Identification Numbers for each heir or beneficiary. (Click here to download the W9 form.)
You can scan the documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com, or can mail the documentation to:
Laramie Energy, LLC
Attn: Division Orders
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3950
Denver, CO 80203
If there was no last will and testament or the estate is not being probated, Laramie may accept an affidavit of heirship. Prior to preparing an Affidavit of Heirship please contact owner relations to see if an Affidavit of Ownership will be accepted.
If the account qualifies for an Affidavit of Heirship, please provide a recorded copy of the Affidavit of Heirship (filed out by a disinterested third party), Death Certificate (copy will be sufficient), and Please furnish the Names, Addresses, Social Security / Federal Tax Identification Numbers for each heir or beneficiary. (Click here to download the W9 form.)
You can scan the documents and send a PDF copy via email to OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com, or can mail the documentation to:
Laramie Energy, LLC
Attn: Division Orders
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3950
Denver, CO 80203
Conveyance / Transfer between parties
The transfer of interest between parties, adding parties to an existing account, or transferring the interest into a Trust requires a recorded document. The document should convey the rights from the current owner(s) of record to the new owner(s) and clearly specify what rights are being conveyed. The document must be filed of record in the county or counties where the property/well(s) are located.
You may choose to utilize an attorney to assist you with this matter or obtain a blank deed/assignment form from another reliable source.
Listed below are the most common deeds used to convey mineral/royalty ownership.
- Assignment, Conveyance and Bill of Sale
- Gift Deed
- Mineral Deed
- Quitclaim Deed
- Warranty Deed
After you have completed the deed/assignment, send the document for recording in the county/state where the property is located.
You can access the National Association of Counties website to locate the address for the county clerk’s office: naco.org.
There is a fee for recording the document and this fee must be included with the document when it is sent for recording. Obtain the specific amount due for recording by contacting the county clerk’s office. Before mailing the document, place your name and address on the upper right-hand corner, requesting to have the recorded document returned to you. When you receive the returned document, make a copy of the recorded document and forward it to Laramie Energy via email:
Conveyance To or From a Trust
For Changes of ownership Involving Trusts,
- If the intent is to transfer ownership from an individual account into a Trust, please provide a copy of the deed that conveys the interest from the individual(s) account into the name of the trust, Copy of the Trust or Memorandum / Certificate of Trust, and Tax ID for the Trust (W9). (Click here to download the W9 form.)
- If the intent is to transfer ownership from a Trust to the beneficiaries, please provide a copy of the deed that conveys the interest from the name of the Trust into the name(s) of the beneficiaries, and Tax ID for the new owner(s). (Click here to download the W9 form.)
- If the Trustee needs to be updated but the interests will remain under the name of the Trust, please provide Copy of the Trust or Memorandum / Certificate of Trust, Death Certificate for the Trustee, or any other applicable documentation for the appointment of the new trustee(s).
When available, please forward all the necessary documents to Laramie Energy (scanned and attached as PDF) to OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com.
How do I add someone to my account?
Provide a conveyance document establishing joint tenancy or tenants in common that has been recorded in the county and state where the minerals are located.
If you would like to add a Power of Attorney or Attorney-In-Fact to make decisions regarding your account, please provide copies of the legal documents appointing such an individual to act on your behalf.
If you would like someone to speak on your behalf, please mail or email a signed letter designating such an individual.
Instructions for recording a document
- Make sure the document is fully executed and includes the proper notary, if applicable.
- Count the number of pages.
- Check the fee requirements for the County in which the document is to be recorded.
a. For letter/legal size documents the fees for Mesa County, Garfield County & Rio Blanco County $13.00 for the first page and $5.00 for each additional page. This is subject to change.
b. The document should be recorded in the County in which the property i.e., Lease/Minerals are located.
c. You can access the National Association of Counties website to locate the website information for the county clerk’s office at naco.org or go directly to the county’s website for your property. - Mail the original document with a check for the recording fees payable to the applicable county.
- Enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for the Clerk to return the document to you after it is recorded. You may also want to put your mailing address on the document in the top right-hand corner.
Mesa County Clerk and Recorder
P.O. Box 20000
Department 5007
Grand Junction, CO 81502-5007
Garfield County Clerk and Recorder
109 8th Street, Suite 200
Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Rio Blanco County Clerk and Recorder
P.O. Box 1067
Meeker, CO 81641
When available either mail a copy of the recorded document to Laramie at the letterhead address or scan as a PDF document and send by email to OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com. If you have any questions, you can call 303-339-4400, Option 2.
Payment Questions
Direct Deposit
To receive your revenue/royalty payments directly into your checking or savings account:
Complete and sign the Revenue ACH Enrollment Form.
Enclose an original voided check from your account or an original document from your financial institution with letterhead stating your name, type of account, account number and routing number.
All fields are required unless noted otherwise. The application cannot be processed without an original voided check or an original document from your financial institution providing your account information.
Please mail your application to:
Laramie Energy, LLC
Attn: Division Orders
1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3950
Denver, CO 80203
Please allow 4-6 weeks for setup, change, or termination of automated payments. Pending testing and authorization of your banking information, you will continue to receive physical checks via U.S. Mail.
What do I do if my check is missing, lost, or outdated?
Contact the Division Order Department on or before the 10th of the following Month at 303-339-4400, Option 2 or email OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com to report. Please have the following information ready when you call: Your name, owner/payee number, and check date or month.
- If the check is lost or missing, we will stop payment on your check and those funds will be included in your next revenue check. Should the lost or missing check show up after it has been voided, please destroy the check.
- If your check is outdated, please note that it is automatically voided after the 90-day expiration and those funds are paid the following month. Feel free to call 303-339-4400, Option 2 or email OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com to receive verification.
Please destroy the outdated check
When can I expect to receive my 1099 or DR21W?
By Federal law we are required to have 1099’s mailed by January 31st. You can call 303-339-4400, Option 2 or email OwnerRelations@Laramie-Energy.com after February 10th, if you have not received one.
When can I expect to receive my DR21W (for Colorado owners)? By Colorado state law we are required to have them mailed by February 28th. If you have not received this by March 10th, call 303-339-4400, Option 2.
General Questions
I wish to sell my mineral rights, who do I contact?
Please send your request in writing to Laramie Energy’s mailing address, attention: Land Department. Furnish your name, address, payee number if known, and the legal description and name of the property, if known, including the county and state where the property is located.
What if I need to know the value of my minerals?
Laramie Energy cannot provide any information on valuation since such information is an opinion based on proprietary information. However, Laramie Energy can provide a record or history of payments made.